Three Questions Part Two
Last week I talked about the Three Question method of bible
study. This week I am opening up my
personal notebook and going through a passage of scripture so you can see it in
In my quiet time with God, I usually pick a book of the bible
and work my way through it verse by verse.
Through the years, I cannot tell you how impactful this has been in my
walk with the Lord. Last year I was
working my way through the book of Acts, today I will highlight just one day
from my notebook. Soon I will begin a series
of posts from this book, but for today, I want to show this method in action,
and how it can benefit anyone.
I like this method of study for many reasons, here are just
some of them.
- It is a great way to break down the word, and study it.
- You can do as few or as many verses you want in a sitting, depending on how much time you have.
- If you do this with a friend/accountability partner, you get different perspectives on the same verse. Iron sharpening iron in action.
- Hear God’s voice through His word.
- A journal you can use to hold yourself accountable.
photo by patty
On this particular day, as I had
been working my way through Acts, I opened the bible to Acts 10:23b-28, just
five and a half verses.
And on the next day
he got up and went away with them, and some of the brethren from Joppa
accompanied him. 24 On
the following day he entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them and
had called together his relatives and close friends. 25 When Peter entered,
Cornelius met him, and fell at his feet and [t]worshiped him. 26 But Peter raised him up,
saying, “Stand up; I too am just a man.” 27 As he talked with him, he
entered and *found many people assembled. 28 And he said to them, “You yourselves know how unlawful
it is for a man who is a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit him; and
yet God has shown me that I should not call any man
[u]unholy or unclean. (NASB
photo by patty |
To put this in context, the apostle Peter
had just had a vision from God of all kinds of unclean foods that Jews were
prohibited from eating. In this vision,
God told Peter to eat the food, saying, what He (God) had made clean is now
clean. No sooner did the vision end, and
then Cornelius’ men arrived at his gate.
God told Peter to go with them, because they were sent directly from
There were three reasons for this
- Peter was being sent to speak to the Gentile people and he would have to have meals with them. God is now saying all food is acceptable to eat because he would be in strange lands and not have many food choices.
- The food was a metaphor for the Gentile people God was sending him to. That it is now ok to associate with non-Jews, and that God is now calling them “clean”.
- Who are we to call someone unclean? Who God cleans up, they are clean (and whole), who are we to not have a meal with them?
So here we are, Peter has just left
his home and now is walking in the Centurion Cornelius’ home, and Cornelius and
his whole family were there waiting for Peter.
I am going to go verse by verse so
you can see the three questions in action.
What does it say? Next day, he got up, went with them along
with brethren from Jappa
What does it mean? We are not alone on our journey, righteous
people walk along with me.
What does it mean to me? Who are those walking with me? Who can I lean on when I need them? Who needs to join me on my journey?
What does it say? Following day they
entered Caesarea, Cornelius and many others were
What does it mean? Cornelius did not just want the good news for
himself, he gathered all who meant something to him. Share the good news of Jesus, don’t keep it
to myself, or be afraid to tell others.
What does it mean to me? Who does God want me to share with
today? Is there someone I am afraid to share
25 &26
What does it say? When Peter entered, Cornelius fell at feet
and worshiped him. Peter raised him up
saying “I’m just a man”
What does it mean? Be careful not to elevate anyone above
God. It does not matter who they are or
what they have done, they are only human.
What does it mean to me? Who am I putting before God? Who have I put on a pedestal that I have to
remember is only human? Is there someone
I am in danger of putting in a position before God?
27 & 28
What does it say? As they talked, Peter saw many
assembled. “You know it’s unlawful for a
Jew to associate with foreigner, yet God has shown me I should not call any man
unholy or unclean.
What does it mean? Peter explained to all that God changed his
heart, that God does not call any unholy or unclean and neither should I. It’s time to tear down old walls.
What does it mean to me? Who am I calling unholy or unclean? Is there someone who needs to hear the good
news of Jesus that I think is too far gone?
Is there a group of people that I am afraid to approach?
photo by patty |
In my live it out part I wrote this
God I am only human and these who
walk on this earth are also only human.
Help me to keep things in perspective and keep you in the place of honor
above all else. Help me to not elevate
anyone or anything above you. I Love You
Lord! God open my eyes to others, help
me to see walls that I have built up that need to be torn down.